Butchery & liquor chain store


Price Packages:




$450- 1000


  • No labour or time input is required for business operations by a franchisee.
  • Once off payment for lifetime economic benefits
  • Short grace period
  • Minimum ROI of 99% per annum
  • Personal and Business balance sheet file with 4 accounts called wallets which are managed by Soft Route to ensure a healthy financial wellbeing of the soft route franchisee
  • The Online business franchises is packaged in a diversified manner, 1 purchase for all chain outlets
  • The Online business franchise is inheritable
  • The online business franchise has both short term and long term benefits i.e you can use the voucher wallet to purchase goods at any time at Soft Route outlets or cash at any time from the current account.
  • The businesses are audited by external independent auditors
  • Access to credit (Housing, vehicles, furniture) and insurance policies made easy.



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